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Flexible/LTFT Training

Contact NSAICM LTFT/Flexible Trainee Representative:  


There are many benefits to flexible training, or working Less Than Full Time.  Many people find it useful to have a fixed day or two off during the week, or to just have more time at home for improved work-life balance.


However, it is not without its challenges.  It may take you longer to settle into placements and you may find you lose some of the continuity that you had when working full time.  Also, despite the growing numbers of trainees working less than full time, our jobs are generally structured around full-time roles and there can still be issues around work structure and pay.  


The NSAICM Flexible Trainee Representative hosts meetings for Anaesthetic, Intensive Care and ACCS Trainees twice a year.  They also attend HEENE LTFT Trainee meetings and liaise with the school trainee committee, college tutors, TPDs and LTFT Trust Leads.  We also have a closed facebook page which you can request to join at Northern Deanery LTFT Anaesthesia.

Applying for Flexible training

You can apply for flexible training for a variety of reasons and if you are interested in doing so should speak to your TPD or colleagues to find out more.  Officially the reasons are divided into:

  • Category 1 – disability/ill health or caring responsibilities for children, partners, relatives, dependents 

  • Category 2 - unique opportunities for personal professional development (for example sporting opportunities or being part of national committees), religious commitments or non-medical professional commitments 

  • Category 3 – no reason required.  

Piloted in the last year and you can apply from ICM leading year this 2021.  Anaesthetics leading year 2022 


If you would like to apply for flexible training please discuss with you Educational Supervisor and TPD.  More information, as well as the necessary forms, are on the HEENE website.


Full time trainees work an average of 48 hours per week. Most LTFT opt to work 60% (average 28.8 hrs/week) or 80% (38.4 hrs/week) of full time.  Leave is allocated pro-rata and training modules are adjusted in the same way, so a ‘year’ at 60% is 20 months and at 80% is 15 months.  



You are urged to check your payslips and work schedules carefully.  Your work schedule should be accurate and any discrepancies raised with your rota writer and HR, or Guardian of Safeworking as early as possible.  There is very useful guidance on interpreting your payslip on the BMA website.  If you are uncertain about any of this, please contact the LTFT Trainee Representative. 



Flexible training issues can be raised locally with your ES/ College Tutor/ Guardian of Safeworking or the LTFT consultant leads at your trust, a list of which is kept up to date on the HEENE website.  For other issues you can contact your TPD or the Flexible Training Representative


Pregnancy and parental leave can be an exciting time for new parents, but it can also bring about a lot of questions and uncertainty.  


Please also read the Lead Employers Parental Leave Guidelines, available on the HEENE website or from the LET HR. 

You must inform the Lead Employer Trust HR who will forward information around leave and requirements.  

You should also inform your ES and College Tutor, and have a risk assessment at your place of work.  The risk assessment is organised differently in different trusts.  HR can help to arrange this if you or your college tutor are unsure.  

You should also inform your TPD and Trudie Heron from the School, for workforce planning as well as organising your training, ARCPs and SuppoRTT meetings.  When you return to work you will have to contact the college in order for them to re-calculate your CCT date.  

It is also worthwhile contacting your indemnity insurers, the college and any societies you are a member of, as many offer discounts for time out of training and working less than full time.  


There is further information on taking time out of training, Keeping in Touch Days, Supported Return To Training, and LTFT training on these pages


We have a WhatsApp group for trainees with young children for all work and non-work related help and advice, as well as a facebook page. Please contact to be added.


Thanks for visiting

- NSAICM committee

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